Streamlining Employee Laptop Returns: Policies, Best Practices, and Costs

When it comes to managing employee offboarding processes, returning company-issued laptops and devices is a critical aspect. In this blog, we will explore the various facets of employee laptop return services, including policies, best practices, and the associated costs. Whether you are an employer looking to establish an efficient IT Asset Management System or an employee preparing to bid farewell to your work computer, this guide has you covered.

Employee Laptop Return Service and Policies

Every organization should have a clear and well-documented laptop return service and policy in place. This ensures a smooth transition for departing employees and minimizes the risk of data breaches or equipment misuse. Here’s what you need to know about it:

An employee laptop return policy should address key points such as:

– The timeframe within which the laptop must be returned.
– The condition in which the laptop should be returned.
– Data backup and transfer instructions.
– Procedures for equipment inspection and clearance.
– Consequences for non-compliance.

Choosing the best employee laptop return service is crucial. Look for a company like Multiply that offers:

– Secure data erasure and device recycling.
– A user-friendly interface for initiating returns.
– Efficient logistics for collecting laptops.
– Detailed reporting for tracking returned devices.
– Compliance with data protection regulations.

What Do Companies Do with Returned Laptops?

Companies have several options when it comes to handling returned laptops. Here are some common practices:

1. Data Wiping and Recycling
Most companies opt for secure data erasure methods to wipe laptops clean of sensitive information. Once the data is removed, the laptops can be refurbished, resold, or recycled. This approach is eco-friendly and can help recover some of the initial investment.

2. Repurposing
In some cases, laptops in good condition are repurposed for other employees or departments. This can be a cost-effective way to utilize existing resources and reduce the need for new equipment.

What to Do Before Giving Back Your Work Computer

Before returning your work computer, there are essential steps you should take to protect your data and ensure a smooth transition:

1. Backup Your Data
Make sure to back up any personal files or data on your work computer. This ensures you don’t lose any important information.

2. Transfer Work-Related Files
Transfer all work-related files and documents to the appropriate storage or collaboration tools as per your organization’s guidelines.

3. Remove Personal Data
Delete any personal data, browser history, and stored passwords from the computer. Ensure that it is returned in a state that complies with your company’s policy.

How to Clear Your Work Computer When You Leave a Job

Clearing your work computer before leaving a job is essential for data security. Follow these steps to ensure a thorough wipe:

1. Notify IT: Notify your IT department about your departure and request guidance on data clearance procedures.

2. Use Encryption: Encrypt your data if it isn’t already. This adds an extra layer of security, making it difficult for unauthorized individuals to access your files.

3. Perform a Full Data Wipe: Use a reliable data erasure software to perform a full wipe of your work computer. This should include the operating system, applications, and all stored data.

4. Confirm Erasure: After the wipe is complete, verify that no sensitive information remains on the computer.

What Are the Types of IT Asset Management?

There are several types of IT asset management that cover different types of equipment your business owns. The most common types of ITAM are:

While all these types of ITAM are important, the first one you should optimize is hardware asset management. Your computer hardware runs the core functions of daily business operations, so one malfunction can interrupt everything involved, like the use of software or cloud-based programs. That’s why our team at Multiply specializes in hardware with our systems.

How Much Does It Cost to Recover a Laptop?

Accidents happen, and laptops can be lost or damaged. The cost to recover a laptop can vary depending on several factors:

1. Insurance: If your organization has laptop insurance, the cost of recovery may be covered. Check with your IT department or HR for details on your company’s policy.

2. Data Recovery: If the laptop contains critical data, you may need to engage a professional data recovery service. Costs can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on the complexity of the recovery.

3. Replacement/Lost Time: If the laptop is lost or damaged beyond repair, the cost will be the price of a replacement laptop plus time lost for the employee. This can vary widely depending on the brand and specifications of the device, but you’ll be looking at a number at least in the thousands. Working with a company like Multiply can help you avoid some of this cost by easily retrieving the broken laptop and sending a loaner asap to avoid any more lost time for your employee.

How Multiply Helps With Laptop Recovery Services

Employee laptop return services are a critical aspect of the offboarding process in any organization. Having clear ITAM policies and following best practices not only ensures a smooth transition for departing employees but also protects sensitive data and minimizes costs. If you are looking for support with your company’s device retrieval process, Multiply is here to help! Our team or senior service technicians and logistics specialists are ready to make sure your assets get back to you in an efficient and timely manner.

Contact us to learn more about how Multiply can make a difference for your team!