How to First order logic procedure convert Convert to Conjunctive Normal Form ?

Step ii should read: $$\forall x [\lnot [employee(x) \land ¬[PST(x) \lor PWO(x)]] \lor work(x)]\tag$$ $$\equiv \forall x[[\lnot employee(x) \lor [PST(x) \lor PWO(x)]] \lor work(x)]\tag$$ $$ \equiv \forall x\big(\lnot employee(x) \lor PST(x) \lor PWO(x) \lor work(x)\big)\tag$$

Now, if $x\in\, \text, \text\>$, we can write the above in conjunctive normal form as follows:

$$\big(\lnot employee(\text) \lor PST(\text) \lor PWO(\text) \lor work(\text)\big) \\ \land \big(\lnot employee(\text) \lor PST(\text) \lor PWO(\text) \lor work(\text)\big) \\ \land \big(\lnot employee(\text) \lor PST(\text) \lor PWO(\text) \lor work(\text)\big)$$

If there are 211 employees, each identified with a unique ID from the set $S= \$, then we can further consolidate, into conjunctive normal form, as follows.

$\Huge<\land>$ $_ \big(\lnot employee(i) \lor PST(i) \lor PWO(i) \lor work(i)\big)$