
Important information on privacy and access to DMV records .

By law, disclosure of personal information contained within a Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) record is prohibited except as prescribed by federal and state privacy laws.

The federal Driver Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) of 1994 and Connecticut State Law (Title 14 Sec. 14-10) identify the lawful uses of the personal information contained in DMV records. Also, Connecticut State Law (Title 14 Sec. 14-50a) regulates the fees charged for copies of such records.

Under the privacy laws, personal information contained in a DMV record is legally disclosed only under certain circumstances and for uses permitted under Connecticut State law. By definition, "personal information" includes:

This disclosure doesn’t include other contents of a motor vehicle record, including information on:

Anyone else who wants to get information on other individuals needs to qualify under the laws referenced above and needs to be signed under penalty of false statement that the information is used only for a purpose specified by these laws. You need to complete a Copy records request form (Form J-23) to access personal information that is not your own.

There is a difference between a general records request and a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Learn more and how to apply for a FOIA request at DMV.

For those who wish to get their own record information, please refer to our Records information page. DMV records are subject to state record retention laws.