Types of Leave Available to State Team Members

The following is general information about the types of leave available to state team members. For specific information on how each type of leave is applied within a specific agency, team members should refer to their agency policy manual, speak to their agency supervisor, or consult their agency Human Resources office.

Click on the following types of leave to quickly find information about each one:

Team Members in full-time positions of a continuing or permanent nature shall be entitled to accumulate annual leave as follows:

Team Members may accumulate more annual leave than their allowed maximum until October 31 of any year. After October 31, any excess annual leave over an team member's maximum balance is reduced to the maximum, at which time the team member can begin accumulating above the maximum.

A team member entitled to annual leave who has resigned or otherwise separated from the service shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for the amount of this accrued leave which does not exceed the maximum allowable accumulation.

Annual leave is prorated for part-time team members in eligible positions who are in pay status for a minimum of 40 hours in a pay period. Annual leave is granted and approved by the agency appointing authority, or their designee.

Team Members who are employed on a full-time basis in positions of a continuing or permanent nature earn sick leave. Full-time team members receive five hours of sick leave each pay period for each semi-month of service in which they are in pay status for 80 or more hours.

Team Members can accumulate sick leave without limit. Sick leave can be converted to retirement credit upon retirement. A team member who separates from state service, but returns within five years will have their sick leave balance restored.

Sick leave is also prorated for team members in eligible positions who are in pay status for a minimum of 40 hours in a pay period. Sick leave is granted and approved by the agency appointing authority, or their designee.

Team Members are granted five (5) consecutive workdays, for the death of the employee’s spouse, child, sibling, parent, grandparent or grandchild, and spouse’s child, sibling, parent, grandparent or grandchild, or a member of the employee’s household this shall include half- and step-relatives. The final decision concerning the applicability and length of bereavement leave under this section will fall under the appointing authority. Other absences due to the death of loved ones when approved by the appointing authority, shall be charged to an employee’s accumulated annual or compensatory leave.

For more specific information on this, please visit: Bereavement Leave 1 CSR 20-5.020

Parental leave is available to all state employees of the departments and agencies of the executive branch of Missouri government as stated in Executive Order 17-09, whether employed on a full-time basis, on an hourly basis, or in 24-hour-positions.