It’s a New Day in Sleep Medicine

Neuro patient sleeping after talking with neurologist doctor

When you lack the energy and clarity to give life your all, we’ll uncover what’s behind those sleepless nights. Whether you’re struggling to fall asleep, waking repeatedly or having nightmares, most sleep disorders can be easily treated.

Expert Care Made Easily Accessible

Icon | Recognized Expertise

Recognized Expertise

You’ll be surrounded by a team that meets the highest of standards: board-certified sleep specialists who are endorsed and nationally accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM).

Icon | Sleep Study Diagnosis

Sleep Study Diagnosis

Our sleep centers are equipped with everything we need to diagnose your sleep disorder. While you rest, we’ll record and monitor sleep patterns, heart activity, breathing and body movements.

Icon | Convenient Care

Convenient Care

There’s no need for you to keep feeling groggy and exhausted all day. Diagnosing and treating your sleep disorder is easy and convenient with our five centers located across Central Florida.

Understanding Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Disorders

Successfully getting to the root of your sleep disorder and creating the right treatment plan requires having an expert team behind you: surgeons and specialists, doctors and nurses, therapists and caregivers. All working together with the same goal in mind — providing you the best possible treatment supported by the most up-to-date technologies possible.

Sleep Apnea

You make it a point to get a full night’s sleep, and yet you still feel exhausted at work, during get-togethers or while playing with your kids. If this sounds like you, you may be suffering from sleep apnea, a chronic disorder that occurs when you have pauses in breathing while you sleep. It often goes untreated, which can lead to dangerous health conditions.

There are two types of sleep apnea:

Signs that you may be suffering from sleep apnea include:

If you’ve been experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s time to take control of your condition and schedule time with one of our sleep apnea specialists. Remember, help is just one call away.

There are a number of effective treatments available for sleep apnea, including:

Non-surgical Treatments:

Surgical Procedures:

For mild cases, a few small lifestyle changes, like weight loss, limiting alcohol consumption and quitting smoking can make a big difference.


We know the reality of living with narcolepsy can be unnerving, but our sleep experts can help you control it with proper treatment. If you’re unsure whether you have narcolepsy, below are a few common symptoms to watch for:

Other signs of narcolepsy include automatic behavior without conscious awareness, disrupted nighttime sleep, depression, vision problems, eating binges, weak limbs and difficulty handling alcohol.

To effectively treat narcolepsy, our sleep experts need to understand the underlying cause. First, we’ll guide you through creating a detailed sleep history and health evaluation. Next, we may recommend a series of screenings and tests to get to the root of your disorder. You may be asked to undertake one or more of the following:

From there, we’ll create a personalized treatment plan to help you get your sleep disorder under control. Treatment options for narcolepsy may include:

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

If you suspect you have restless legs syndrome, you’re not alone: Up to one in 10 Americans are affected by this neurological movement disorder. The exact cause of RLS is still unknown, though it’s believed to be genetic.

Additional signs and symptoms of RLS include:

These symptoms typically worsen during periods of relaxation, disrupting sleep, which in turn only aggravates the sensations even more.

Below are a number of conditions that may lead to RLS:

Treatment options for RLS include managing lifestyle factors, such as:

For your safety and well-being, and to make sure you get the best possible outcome, you should consult with your neurologist before making any major dietary or exercise changes.

Additional treatment options may include the following medications:

With help from our team of specialists, you can experience a drastic reduction in your symptoms through a healthy mix of nutritional meals, medical therapies and exercise therapies customized to your specific needs.